The craziest funniest person I knew

Created by Rhianna 2 years ago

andrew the amount of memories you have given me is unreal , its just such a shame that it got cut short and we werent given more years of you ! Even though me and mine had you for the last ten years , it will never be enough but the memories will last a life time and i will never ever ever forget you.

From when we first met when we both started working at fiction, we went on our first work night out with the girls , you walked over to us grabbed one of the girls boobs , we all looked at you so shocked and you just went “its okay hunnay im gay” and flapped uyour hand over from that moment on our friendship got better and better we went from friends to family.

to the days we used to go on random drives , your uni exhibitions and how hard you worked to become an illustrator, the absolute best illustrator and artist i have ever known. Remix songs about shepards pie to you raise me up , random pub trips , day trips to london , the countless walka and adventures we used to go on, meeting me at work and spending my lunch with me we may of snuck in a cheeky drink here snd there , the days youd come to mine and you and allie would spend it ripping me to shreds , the countless phonecalls we spent hours being absolute doughnuts , making fools of ourselves , putting the world to rights , trying to have conversations with your parrot just because we found it funny. All the theartre trips that we laughed and cried together at , hairspray closing night will be a night i will never ever forget.

i could go on and on and on about all the funny things we done. I will miss you so very much andrew, this will never ever feel real. Every theartre show we go too there will be a seat with your name on it. I will never ever ever ever forget you and all the memories you gave me and everyone.

i love you always drew ❤️❤️
